Monday 28 April 2014

5 Things you didn't know about your dog

Human beings and Dogs have been living together for more than 15000 years. This time period shows that we know each other very well but still there are some things which very little people know. Given below are such 5 things you probably didn't know about your dog.

Thing# 05

Dogs can be as smart as a 2 years old child

Dogs can be as smart as 2-year-old children, according to research presented in 2009 at a meeting of the American Psychological Association. Border collies are the top dogs in the intelligence category, with some in the breed capable of understanding up to 200 words. Poodles, German shepherds, Golden retrievers and Dobermans round out the top five smartest breeds. (The most popular breed in America, the Labrador retriever, comes in at number seven.)


5 Things you didn't know about your dog

Human beings and Dogs have been living together for more than 15000 years. This time period shows that we know each other very well but still there are some things which very little people know. Given below are such 5 things you probably didn't know about your dog.

Thing# 04

Dogs are the most diverse looking mammals

From the droopy Bassett hound to the sleek-and-slim Weimaraner, dogs show an amazing diversity in body shape. A study published in The American Naturalist in 2010 found that the differences between dog breeds' skulls are as pronounced as the differences between completely separate mammal species. A Collie skull, for example, is as different from a Pekingese skull as a cat's skull is from a walrus's.


5 Things you didn't know about your dog

Human beings and Dogs have been living together for more than 15000 years. This time period shows that we know each other very well but still there are some things which very little people know. Given below are such 5 things you probably didn't know about your dog.

Thing# 03

Dogs too feel envy

Dogs know when they're not getting a fair shake. A 2008 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when dogs saw other dogs getting treats for a trick they'd been performing unrewarded, the unrewarded dogs became agitated, scratching themselves and avoiding the gaze of the rewarded dogs. They also stopped doing the trick much faster than if they were alone and not getting a reward.


5 Things you didn't know about your dog

Human beings and Dogs have been living together for more than 15000 years. This time period shows that we know each other very well but still there are some things which very little people know. Given below are such 5 things you probably didn't know about your dog.

Thing# 02

Dogs can smell our diseases

If you have cancer, diabetes, or epilepsy, your dog might be the first to know. Studies have shown that dogs can be trained to sniff out cancersof the lung, breast, skin, bladder and prostate. Researchers suspect the canines are picking up on extraordinarily faint scents given off by the abnormal cells.


5 Things you didn't know about your dog

Human beings and Dogs have been living together for more than 15000 years. This time period shows that we know each other very well but still there are some things which very little people know. Given below are such 5 things you probably didn't know about your dog.

Thing# 01

Dogs can get human diseases

Humans and dogs aren't so different after all, at least regarding what makes us sick. About 6 million dogs are diagnosed with cancereach year, and dogs get canine versions of rare human disorders like the brain-wasting neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis that leads to the inability to walk or control their muscles. While illness is sad for humans and pets alike, sharing diseases benefits both species. Clinical trials are easier to run on pets, giving doctors an animal model of human disease.


Sunday 27 April 2014

5 shortest living dog breeds

Bringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time. It’s understandable that one’s family wouldn’t want to consider the dog breed’s possible lack of longevity at such a young age. As the dog grows older and health issues begin to emerge, being familiar with the breed’s weaknesses is worthwhile. These dogs are certainly full of life though – many owners of these breeds are grateful for having one to call their own.

Here are the 5 shortest living dog breeds:

Breed #01

Irish wolfhound

The tallest breed of all dogs (standing as high as 38 inches), Irish wolfhounds rarely live to be more than 10 years old, passing away on average at age 7.


5 shortest living dog breeds

Bringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time. It’s understandable that one’s family wouldn’t want to consider the dog breed’s possible lack of longevity at such a young age. As the dog grows older and health issues begin to emerge, being familiar with the breed’s weaknesses is worthwhile. These dogs are certainly full of life though – many owners of these breeds are grateful for having one to call their own.

Here are the 5 shortest living dog breeds:

Breed #02

Bernese mountain dog

Originating from Switzerland, the Bernese mountain dog's age range drifts between 6 and 10 years old, usually living to be 7 or 8.


5 shortest living dog breeds

Bringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time. It’s understandable that one’s family wouldn’t want to consider the dog breed’s possible lack of longevity at such a young age. As the dog grows older and health issues begin to emerge, being familiar with the breed’s weaknesses is worthwhile. These dogs are certainly full of life though – many owners of these breeds are grateful for having one to call their own.

Here are the 5 shortest living dog breeds:

Breed #03

Great Dane

image via Link

Sometimes known as the Apollo of all breeds, Great Danes have an age range is between 7 and 10 years.


5 shortest living dog breeds

Bringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time. It’s understandable that one’s family wouldn’t want to consider the dog breed’s possible lack of longevity at such a young age. As the dog grows older and health issues begin to emerge, being familiar with the breed’s weaknesses is worthwhile. These dogs are certainly full of life though – many owners of these breeds are grateful for having one to call their own.

Here are the 5 shortest living dog breeds:

Breed #04

French Mastiff

Like the other large breeds mentioned here, the Bordeaux Mastiff’s lifespan seldom stretches past 8 years. In fact, according to the Dogue due Bordeaux of America, their average lifespan is between 5 and 6 years.


5 shortest living dog breeds

Bringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time. It’s understandable that one’s family wouldn’t want to consider the dog breed’s possible lack of longevity at such a young age. As the dog grows older and health issues begin to emerge, being familiar with the breed’s weaknesses is worthwhile. These dogs are certainly full of life though – many owners of these breeds are grateful for having one to call their own.

Here are the 5 shortest living dog breeds:

Breed #05

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff has an average lifespan of 8 to 10 years.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

Monday 14 April 2014

3 reason that can cause a dog to eat grass

Have you ever wondered why a dog eats grass sometimes? It might be like he just woke up from a nap and went to lawn and took a big chomp of grass without any reason. Actually there's no set time a dog decides to eat grass. But why do they eat grass? They are not herbivores then what is the reason behind this? So here are 3 major reasons which can cause your dog to eat grass.

Reason #03

Grass Tastes Good

Another theory, and probably with a good amount of truth, is that some dogs just like to eat grass. Some will just get bored laying down and start chewing away. They typically are not taking down the big gulps of the dogs with the gastric upset, but they’ll certainly eat as much, if not more. You might even find that your dog prefers certain types of grass over others. Dogs like to eat, and they evolved to eat a variety of different foods offered to them. Grass may have been a part of that diet at one particular time.
Via Link


3 reason that can cause a dog to eat grass

Have you ever wondered why a dog eats grass sometimes? It might be like he just woke up from a nap and went to lawn and took a big chomp of grass without any reason. Actually there's no set time a dog decides to eat grass. But why do they eat grass? They are not herbivores then what is the reason behind this? So here are 3 major reasons which can cause your dog to eat grass.

Reason #02

Excessive Hunger

via Jcrannberry

The other reasons why your dog might be eating grass include improving digestion, treating intestinal worms, or fulfilling some unmet nutritional need, including the need for fiber. Some believe that dogs may be excessively hungry or are lacking proper nutrition. If you’re feeding your dog enough food, try adding some fresh, steamed green beans to his diet to help provide more fiber and a feeling of satiety. Green beans contain almost no calories, so your pup will feel full without packing on any extra pounds.
Via Link


3 reason that can cause a dog to eat grass

Have you ever wondered why a dog eats grass sometimes? It might be like he just woke up from a nap and went to lawn and took a big chomp of grass without any reason. Actually there's no set time a dog decides to eat grass. But why do they eat grass? They are not herbivores then what is the reason behind this? So here are 3 major reasons which can cause your dog to eat grass.

Reason #01

Nausea/Stomach Upset

Some people propose that dogs might turn to eating grass when they don’t feel well as a way to make themselves vomit, and then feel better. Others dispute this idea, on the basis that dogs are not proven to be smart enough to decide to treat an upset stomach by eating grass. There have been many theories, but veterinarians seem to support the idea that dogs often eat grass due to gastrointestinal upset. Typically by gulping down large clumps of grass, the digestive system lining gets irritated by the blades and causes the dog to vomit. Nobody likes throwing up, but I think we can all admit it usually does make us feel a little better. Dogs that eat grass to cure their nausea generally have a sort of gastric reflux or inflammatory condition.
via source


Sunday 13 April 2014

Saturday 12 April 2014

5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth

There are a lot of popular myths about dogs which are very well know. Given below are 5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth and the facts behind you.

Myth #05

Over 60% of dog owners think that it's fine to let the dog lick their faces.


People who allow dogs to lick their faces can get sick from the bacteria coming from the pets' mouth. 


5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth

There are a lot of popular myths about dogs which are very well know. Given below are 5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth and the facts behind you.

Myth #04

Over 25 million pet owners believe that any type of chewing is good for dogs teeth.


It is not true. In fact chewing hard things like bones and ice cubes can cause tooth fractures.


5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth

There are a lot of popular myths about dogs which are very well know. Given below are 5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth and the facts behind you.

Myth #03

1 in 3 pet owners assume bad breath is normal for pets


Bad breath is not normal it is a sign of potentially painful oral disease.


5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth

There are a lot of popular myths about dogs which are very well know. Given below are 5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth and the facts behind you.

Myth #02

16 Million pet owners think dogs' saliva can clean human wounds


Allowing a dog to lick a cut or scrape can cause life threatening infections.


5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth

There are a lot of popular myths about dogs which are very well know. Given below are 5 Astonishing Myths about your Dog's Mouth and the facts behind you.

Myth #01

42% of pet owners believe dogs' mouth are cleaner than humans'.


Dog mouths are not cleaner than our own. They contain germs and bacteria that need to be removed.


Friday 11 April 2014

5 Most adorable dog piles you have ever seen

If you are a dog lover then you are at the right place. The pictures you are just gonna see now will absolutely make you happy. These adorable dog piles have been collected from the internet and are ready to make you smile.

Dog Pile #05


5 Most adorable dog piles you have ever seen

If you are a dog lover then you are at the right place. The pictures you are just gonna see now will absolutely make you happy. These adorable dog piles have been collected from the internet and are ready to make you smile.

Dog Pile #04


5 Most adorable dog piles you have ever seen

If you are a dog lover then you are at the right place. The pictures you are just gonna see now will absolutely make you happy. These adorable dog piles have been collected from the internet and are ready to make you smile.

Dog Pile #01


5 Most adorable dog piles you have ever seen

If you are a dog lover then you are at the right place. The pictures you are just gonna see now will absolutely make you happy. These adorable dog piles have been collected from the internet and are ready to make you smile.

Dog Pile #01


5 Most adorable dog piles you have ever seen

If you are a dog lover then you are at the right place. The pictures you are just gonna see now will absolutely make you happy. These adorable dog piles have been collected from the internet and are ready to make you smile.

Dog Pile #01

Adorable Husky Pile


5 Dogs with absolutely amazing fur

You would have seen dogs with numerous kinds of furs but the dogs listed below have the most amazing and strangest of all furs. They are so unique and distinct from other member of their family because of their furs.

Dog #05

image source link


5 Dogs with absolutely amazing fur

You would have seen dogs with numerous kinds of furs but the dogs listed below have the most amazing and strangest of all furs. They are so unique and distinct from other member of their family because of their furs.

Dog #04


5 Dogs with absolutely amazing fur

You would have seen dogs with numerous kinds of furs but the dogs listed below have the most amazing and strangest of all furs. They are so unique and distinct from other member of their family because of their furs.

Dog #03


5 Dogs with absolutely amazing fur

You would have seen dogs with numerous kinds of furs but the dogs listed below have the most amazing and strangest of all furs. They are so unique and distinct from other member of their family because of their furs.

Dog #02


5 Dogs with absolutely amazing fur

You would have seen dogs with numerous kinds of furs but the dogs listed below have the most amazing and strangest of all furs. They are so unique and distinct from other member of their family because of their furs.

Dog #01

This is not a fake, he has not been dyed. It is a condition called Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition in which the melanocytes in the skin and fur are unable to produce pigment. There are several reasons for this condition, including viral infections and autoimmune disorders


Thursday 10 April 2014

5 Dog Breeds That are easy to Train

The most important part of a Dogs life is its training period because whatever it learns during this time from its master becomes a part of its personality thats why a lot of care has to be taken. It is a common observation that some breeds are far more likely to pick up new tricks than others. Thats why its always necessary to know which breeds can be trained easily. 5 of the most famous dog breeds that are easy to train are given here.

Breed #05


English Cocker Spaniels rank 18th in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, being of excellent working intelligence. They should be trained with a lot of rewards and positive reinforcement because can be easily stressed by loud noises and by rough treatment or handling. But the rewards of the properly trained English Cocker Spaniel far outweigh the somewhat increased difficulty of the training.


5 Dog Breeds That are easy to Train

The most important part of a Dogs life is its training period because whatever it learns during this time from its master becomes a part of its personality thats why a lot of care has to be taken. It is a common observation that some breeds are far more likely to pick up new tricks than others. Thats why its always necessary to know which breeds can be trained easily. 5 of the most famous dog breeds that are easy to train are given here.

Breed #04


These frisky little dogs are named after the Pomerania region in Central Europe – today part of Poland and Germany.

They are a very friendly, playful and energetic breed of dog that bonds very easily with their owners. The key to their training should be positive reinforcement, since they respond extremely well to it.


5 Dog Breeds That are easy to Train

The most important part of a Dogs life is its training period because whatever it learns during this time from its master becomes a part of its personality thats why a lot of care has to be taken. It is a common observation that some breeds are far more likely to pick up new tricks than others. Thats why its always necessary to know which breeds can be trained easily. 5 of the most famous dog breeds that are easy to train are given here.

Breed #03


This breed has a high level of intelligence, making them ideal for training. However, they don’t respond well to aggressive training so use positive measures to encourage learning.

With this type of dog you need to be gentle but firm. All these dog breeds can be easily trained as long as you utilize the most appropriate methods based on their personality and disposition.


5 Dog Breeds That are easy to Train

The most important part of a Dogs life is its training period because whatever it learns during this time from its master becomes a part of its personality thats why a lot of care has to be taken. It is a common observation that some breeds are far more likely to pick up new tricks than others. Thats why its always necessary to know which breeds can be trained easily. 5 of the most famous dog breeds that are easy to train are given here.

Breed #02

German Shepherd

There is a reason why these dogs are used as police dogs – they’re very quick to train and very keen to try new things. That said, they can get bored quite easily so stick to short, regular training sessions.


5 Dog Breeds That are easy to Train

The most important part of a Dogs life is its training period because whatever it learns during this time from its master becomes a part of its personality thats why a lot of care has to be taken. It is a common observation that some breeds are far more likely to pick up new tricks than others. Thats why its always necessary to know which breeds can be trained easily. 5 of the most famous dog breeds that are easy to train are given here.

Breed #01


This is a breed that has bags of common sense and a passion for learning. However, you should bear in mind that their attention span is quite short so consistent and regular training is a key part of success with these dogs.


Monday 7 April 2014

5 Cutest Teacup puppies you have ever seen

Teacup Dog is a purely descriptive term for a Toy dog which might, or might not, be smaller than the official size standard. Whether the term is recognised or not people obviously like using it and regardless of varying Associations the phrases Teacup Dog or Teacup puppies are, no doubt, here to stay. The Teacup Dogs Agility Association is open to all dogs, regardless of breed or pedigree, measuring 17" or less, and who are at least 12 months of age. Toy dogs are also referred to as Pocket Size, Tiny Toy, Miniature, Lapdogs and Sleeve Dogs (Oriental Emperors and courtiers carried them around in their copious sleeves!).

Given Below are 5 Cutest Teacup puppies you have ever seen:

Pic #05


5 Cutest Teacup puppies you have ever seen

Teacup Dog is a purely descriptive term for a Toy dog which might, or might not, be smaller than the official size standard. Whether the term is recognised or not people obviously like using it and regardless of varying Associations the phrases Teacup Dog or Teacup puppies are, no doubt, here to stay. The Teacup Dogs Agility Association is open to all dogs, regardless of breed or pedigree, measuring 17" or less, and who are at least 12 months of age. Toy dogs are also referred to as Pocket Size, Tiny Toy, Miniature, Lapdogs and Sleeve Dogs (Oriental Emperors and courtiers carried them around in their copious sleeves!).

Given Below are 5 Cutest Teacup puppies you have ever seen:

Pic #04
